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Links to other sites 

If you are looking for genealogical software

- Ahnenblatt (portable - the one I use)

- ELIE (free)

- Aldfaer (free - only in NL)

- Gramps (free)

- Généatique (free/paying - PC or mobile)

- Ancestry App (Android or IOS)

- Legacy Family Tree (free/paying)

- Google Apps (Android)

 Genealogy abroad

- Germany (Bundesarchiv)
- Australia (National Archives)
- Austria (Österreichisches Staatsarchiv)
- Brazil (Arquivo National)
- Canada (Bibliothèque et Archives)
- Denmark
- Finland
- France (Archives)
- Greece
- Luxembourg (Archives nationales)
- New Zealand (National Archives)
- Netherlands (Nationaal Archief)
- Portugal (Arquivo Nacional)
- Sweden (Riksarkivets)
- UK & Ireland
- U.S.A. (National Archives)

 Genealogy in Belgium

- State Archives (FR-NL-DE-EN)
- GenWalBru (Free genealogical assistance)
- Genealogy A-Z (NL)


- Ancestry (Emigration and travel)
- Argentina (free)
- Brazil (paying)

 Meaning of surnames

- Wikipdia (French names)
- Dictionnaire des noms (French names)
- Ancestry.de (German names)
- Betekenis Namen (dutch/flemish)


- Cindy's List (List of very useful links)
- els.favos.nl (List of links)
- GenWiki (DE)
- Bindel-Bindels on GenWiki (DE)

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